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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: The notion of self.cmap, THE NOTION OF SELF 2. Self and self model have as a) imbedding space correlate causal diamond and at quantum level superposition of them. b) space-time correlate space-time sheet or pair of them forming double covering (should one restrict to region with Euclidian signature defining line of generalized Feynman diagram?) c) quantum correlate a negentropically entang- led system. State function can produced negentropic entanglement associated with nxn unit density matrix corresponding to h_eff=n×h., THE NOTION OF SELF 1. The notion as evolved through many twists and turns: a) Originally quantum jump and self were postulated as distinct notions assuming that somehow quantum jumps "integrate to self" like atoms of molecule "integrate" to molecule. b) Then it was assumed that only the quantum jump is fundamental and that they form fractal hierarchy so that "sub-quan- tum jumps" give rise to the experien- ce about flow of time and continuity of self. It is difficult to understand the duration of self in this picture. c) One can also argue that since it is not possible to be conscious about that one is not conscious, the gaps between quantum jumps cannot be experienced. One has just quantum jumps. But self is clearly something which is conserved in quantum jumps. d) The next step was to realize that self or at least self model (!) must be something invariant or approxi- mately invariant under quantum jumps. If NMP is accepted, negentopic entanglement defines this kind of almost invariant since total entanglement negentropy can only increase. It can be transferred, change to new form, but total NE must increase. e) The next step was to realize that that negentropic entanglement gives rise only to self model. The final solution of the problem came from the realization that self corre- sponds to an integration of very special kind of quantum jumps together: namely repeated state function reductions at same boundary of CD. This explains arrow and flow of time, self as unentangeled subsystem, why self has finite life time, etc.., THE NOTION OF SELF 3. a) Selves form self hierarchy in ana- logy with the hierarchies of CDs, space-time sheets, Planck constants, and dimensions of singular coverings of CD b) Self experiences sub-selves as mental images c) Self experiences sub-sub-selves as averaged mental image, Self and self model have as a) imbedding space correlate causal diamond and at quantum level superposition of them. b) space-time correlate space-time sheet or pair of them forming double covering (should one restrict to region with Euclidian signature defining line of generalized Feynman diagram?) c) quantum correlate a negentropically entang- led system. State function can produced negentropic entanglement associated with nxn unit density matrix corresponding to h_eff=n×h. so that a) Self model is a system carrying potentially conscious information, kind of "Akashic records" readable by interactionfree quantum measure- ment. b) Connection with quantum compu- tation results since unitary entangle- ment gives rise to negentropic en- tanglement with unit density matrix., a) Selves form self hierarchy in ana- logy with the hierarchies of CDs, space-time sheets, Planck constants, and dimensions of singular coverings of CD b) Self experiences sub-selves as mental images c) Self experiences sub-sub-selves as averaged mental image implying that a) self hierarchy has entire Universe at top b) we are mental images of higher self, THE NOTION OF SELF 4. a) Spacetime sheets at given level of hierarchy can be disjoint but space- time sheets topolo- gically condensed at them can be connected by flux tubes b) This suggests that subselves of two selves can entangle to single common subself (mental image) shared by both selves and that this gives rise to kind stereo-consci- ousness. c) This kind of entangle- ment is not possible in standard tensor product description and requires the notion of finite measurement resolution so that systems corresponding to selves are not entangled in the resolution considered for them but subselves are in the resolution appropriate for them